I have a spell called "cure critic" that I'd like
to alias to "cc". Per your documentation I did indeed
successfully alias:

cc $$name to cast "cure critic" %%name

as an input trigger. It works great.

However, the mud I play intrinsically has the command "cc"
for clanchat.

So whenever I type "cc Nameofplayer" I cast a cure critic
on "Nameofplayer", but right after that I get the reply
"Independents don't have clanchat", which means basically that
the mud picked up the intrinsic "cc" command.

My soon-to-be-former client "Cantrip" never did that. That is to say
it processed whatever I defined, such as "cc" - effectively overwriting
any intrinsic mud definitions.

I hope I stated my question/issue clearly and I do appreciate any help.
