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Heynow Software Forums _ General Discussion _ Scroll speed

Posted by: Aequitas Jul 11 2003, 08:26 PM

I downloaded Savitar and used it for a few days. I quickly figured out the alias and trigger applications. I really appreciate the Ansi capability, and the option of resizeing the window and fonts. However, the program scrolls incredibly slow. I find myself typing in directions in small bursts, or even worse, having to pause a second between each direction movement command. Also the way the display jump scrolls is jarring and tends to make the readability issue all the more frustrating. I have searched for some type of setting tab that would include scrolling speed/output speed, and also looked for a possiblilty to move from jump scrolling to smoothe scrolling. I have not yet found either of these options. If anyone has any suggestions please fel free to share smile.gif

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